Treating severe cutaneous scars is complex, and despite the best surgical care and adequate healing time, many millions of patients continue to have functional impairments and symptoms such as burning, itching, and pain ...
Fractionated technology has led to the development of a number of nonablative and ablative devices, as reflected in Table 1 4,5 Initial reports on the nonablative fractionated devices emphasized almost complete absence of prolonged side effects,6,7 but mo...
Laser hair removal focuses on the endogenous chromophore melanin, which is mainly found in the hair shaft, with a small amount present in the upper third of the follicular epithelium (Figure 1) ...
The physician should provide appropriate supervision to allied health professionals Allied health professionals include persons licensed, certified, or registered to practice a profession governed by {RCW 18 130 040} ...
Over the past decade, refinements in laser technology as well as advances in laser techniques have enabled dermatologic surgeons to define the most appropriate lasers to usefor different scar types without the adverse sequelae...